Year: 2014 | Month: December | Volume 3 | Number 2

Bile tolerance, Bile Deconjugation and Cholesterol reducing properties of Lactobacillus strains isolated from traditional fermented foods

DOI:Coming soon...


Bile tolerance, bile deconjugation and cholesterol reducing properties of five strains of lactobacilli, viz. PD2, PC27, PSC6, PH5 and PFC21 were tested with a view to select culture for conducting in vivo feeding trial for hyperlipemic mice. Strain PD2 was found to be most bile tolerant, followed by PH5, PC27, PSC6 and PFC21. The strain PD2 released maximum amount of free cholic acid (2.37 mM) from sodium taurocholate. With respect to cholesterol assimilation, PH5 showed a maximum reduction of 76.85 %. Overall two strains among five gave a good performance in all these in vitro tests and hence, is recommended for in vivo feeding experiments.

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@International Journal of Fermented Foods | Association with SASNET | Printed by New Delhi Publishers

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